Two Glorious Apple Rumours - Forbes

The first concerns the possibility of a deal between Apple and China Mobile. This story has been going on for the past 6 years and there doesn’t seem to be any end to it just yet. We’ve Bloomberg saying that a deal is imminent:

Apple is close to agreeing to a distribution deal with China Mobile, a person with knowledge of the matter said in September. The carrier said in 2011 that Apple agreed to make an iPhone for its customers once it shifted to 4G.

And CNN said that the deal had been struck:

An earlier version of this story took the website, its iPhone ordering system and its provenance at face value. China Mobile’s denial that a deal has been struck suggests that the site might have been a hoax.

As you note, they then withdrew that story.

The thing is here, as I’ve pointed out several times on this very blog, is that we know that Apple has designed an iPhone (actually, two, a 5 s and a 5 c) that will work on China Mobile’s network. And not just on the 4G part of it either, it carries the necessary chips and antennae to work on the 3G, TD-SCDMA network that China Mobile uniquely runs. We’ve even seen that these models have been approved for use on Chinese mobile networks. So there’s absolutely no technical reason why they can’t be flying off the shelves right now.

Therefore it must be a business problem delaying (or even preventing) a deal being stuck. And China Mobile itself has stated in the past that it is uncomfortable with Apple’s demands about handset subsidies and also marketing expenditures. So that’s where we all assume the hold up is. And quite how it will all play out we’re not sure. It depends upon the relative power each party has. For example, Apple’s iKit is still astonishingly good equipment, but it’s not quite as revolutionarily better as some of the Android kit as it used to be (Moto G or X for example, the higher end of the Samsung range). So China Mobile might just shrug, utter “Meh” and decide that it doesn’t actually need the iPhone. On the other hand they might see their customer base bleeding away off to the networks in China that do carry the iPhone and decide they’d better sign up whatever the terms. It just depends and we’ve no way of working out which way it will go at this point.

The other rumour is on the China supply chain side and it’s about the giant iPad supposedly coming:

New rumors that Apple will release a 12.9-inch “MaxiPad” to join its iPad Air and iPad mini lines have surfaced in Asia, with the added wrinkle being that Cupertino will likely offer two models of the big fella, one having a Retina-popping 4K resolution.

According to a report on Monday in the Chinese-language website PadNews (Google Translate), Apple has been working with its assembly partner Foxconn on five different MaxiPad models, and will likely choose two – one being a more-standard 2K HD version, and the other being the aforementioned 4K model (4K分辨率版的).

And that is indeed just a rumour. One that one of my technical contacts (at least, the 4k part of it) tends to think won’t actually happen whatever it is that the boys are playing with in the labs. That resolution of graphics on a screen of that size is going to be very processor intensive and thus drain any battery quickly. He is minded to put that idea into the box marked “things Apple have built to play with but won’t release as yet”.

via apple - Google News


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