Apple is a healthy choice - Buffalo News

A crisp apple (Apple products) is better for you than a bag of jelly beans (the newest Android operating system).

Don’t get me wrong, Android has some good points, but Apple has many advantages.

Apple products are user-friendly. The sleek, clean design makes it simple for younger people or those who aren’t as tech savvy. Small children can quickly learn how to download apps or circle the globe on Google Earth.

And, thanks to Apple’s security measures, no one else can gain access to your Apple device.

The first security measure is when you first turn on the device, it opens to a lock screen. By either a swipe of the finger or by typing in a password, you can get to the rest of the options. With the new IOS 7 update, an iPhone 5S can be opened with a fingerprint, making it even more difficult for someone to hack into your phone.

The second security measure is when you purchase or download an app. You have to type in your Apple ID and password. Your Apple ID is what allows you to do anything on your Apple device. It allows access to iTunes, enables iCloud, you can shop from the Apple online store, make reservations at the Apple retail store, and so much more. So without the password, you can’t do much of anything.

Users also can personalize an Apple device. The lock screen can be personalized with wallpaper, which can be any picture you take or download. Then when you go past the lock screen, you can have a different wallpaper.

From Angry Birds to Instagram, everyone loves their apps. One thing I have noticed is that Apple often comes out with an app, and it will take a while for the app to hit other stores.

Apple does not have malware. Suspicious apps, which can contain malware, have made their way into the Google Play Store. People might get annoyed with Apple’s strict security measures, but you don’t hear about the necessity of battling malware on your iPad. I’m not saying it could never happen, but for now Apple has a handle on being the most secure operating system.

Another thing that really impresses me is how clear and sharp the picture quality is on Apple devices. The first time I played with an iPad, the sharpness and clarity of the screen was what first caught my attention. When I first got my iPod, I had an Android tablet. The difference was very noticeable. I find it easier to see the picture on my 4.86-inch iPod than my 7-inch tablet.

Apple’s latest update, IOS 7, gave users iTunes radio; an updated Siri with new look, sound and capabilities; audio-only FaceTime; more camera options and features; and iCloud photo sharing, just to name a few.

Yes, Apple may have a few downfalls, but I believe the pros outweigh the cons. So what will you choose? A healthy Apple? Or a bag of jellybeans?

Audean Jimerson is a home-schooled junior from Hamburg.

via apple - Google News


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