Apple 2014 Release Roundup: iPhone 6, Apple TV, iOS 8, iWatch And iTV - International Business Times AU

With Apple iPhone 6, Apple TV, Ios 8, iWatch and iTV, its seems Apple has a lot up its sleeves for 2014.

Apple is cooking many possibilities thsi year. The iPhone and iPad are undoubtedly the remaining flagship devices for the company for some time. The innovative and complex nature of iPhone 6 is set to release this year, saying the release date should not be "too soon." There is much anticipation that the next Apple smartphone will sell like hot cakes again.

But Apple is ready to move into other areas. CEO Tim Cook made it clear in the last quarter of 2013 that for this year, it will update existing products and release new ones. What we could think Apple will have this year are the following possibilities:

iOS 8

With releases of big hardware, it is expected to have the eight generation OS. The iOS 8 will particularly have a huge impact on iPhone 6 as one of the flagship phone's highlights.

iPhone 6

Apple's next-generation smartphone is likely to surface by September. It was noted it will be released in June but the ambitious plans packaged in it evidently justifies that it should be later.


Apple iWatch concept has been dumped for some time. With competitor Samsung Electronics having advanced in this area, it is most likely that the American electronics firm will follow suit. To create a buzz, we could expect the iWatch to debut with iPhone 6.

Apple Television Set

Apple has been speculated to produce a TV set, especially when the television of the future is considered to base on download services, and the company already has a profitable iTunes in existence.

Apple TV

There is an anticipated update to Apple TV this year and the schedule is overdue. The device is regarded as less ambitious than iPhone. Media reports hinted the update will be next month.

MacBook Pro

The schedule for the annual Worldwide Developers conference will be in June where Apple will showcase its new products. The anticipation is to see the new MacBook Pro and the Mac Mini to be unveiled at the conference. There were no new editions for Mac Mini for over a year now and the maker's reputation of developing excellent laptop lines is at stake.

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