Walmart's iPhone price defies Apple's control - San Francisco Chronicle

Walmart plans to sell the newest iterations of iPhones at a discount, a pricing strategy that Apple has managed to squash for years.

The cheaper iPhone 5c will be sold at the world's largest retailer for $79 along with a standard two-year service contract, 20 percent less than anywhere else in the United States. The higher-end iPhone 5s will sell for $189, $10 cheaper than its typical sticker price with a service contract.

In the world of smartphone retail, this marks something of a breakthrough. Apple for decades has excelled at making sure the prices for its gadgets were as simple and as stripped down as the products themselves - a level of control achieved through a fairly aggressive combination of carrot and stick known as "price maintenance."

Apple typically sets a minimum advertised price with retailers that isn't a requirement but is a strong suggestion. The tech giant then promises to kick in a tidy financial incentive in the form of marketing dollars if the retailer keeps its gadget prices at that level or above. There have even been reports of Apple cutting off supplies to stores that strayed below the sticker-price threshold. The system ensures that small retailers won't be undercut by big-box stores willing to squeeze margins or even take a loss. It also helps make sure every retailer is on par with the prices in Apple's own retail stores.

One other trick to keep retailers honest: Apple apparently never gives them much margin to play with. Stores that buy Apple gadgets for only, say, 5 percent less than the suggested retail price aren't going to be keen on discounting them further.

So how is Walmart able to mark down the new iPhones despite Apple's typically Jobsian efforts at price control? It's possible that it got more iPhone money out of cell phone-service providers, who heavily subsidize handset sales in exchange for long service contracts. But mobile carriers are increasingly reticent about those deals, which leaves two plausible theories (although neither company would comment directly on the arrangement):

Walmart twisted Apple's arm: This was finally the iPhone iteration in which Apple needed to win lower-income consumers, which is why Apple made an unprecedented effort to roll out a plastic-case version of its new smartphone to fit smaller budgets. The deep-pocketed consumers in the smartphone market have by now already been saturated with products, and Samsung Electronics has been coming on strong with alternative high-end products. In fact, Apple is getting plenty of criticism for not making the low-end iPhone cheaper still.

Walmart essentially might have said: Look, you need low-income buyers, and we have plenty of those. Knock $20 off each phone for us, and you can lock in the bottom of the buying pyramid while maintaining some of your brand's luxury luster.

Walmart just ignored Apple's rules: Walmart may have simply decided to forfeit any financial price-setting sweeteners from Apple. It runs on pretty lean margins to begin with and might not mind sacrificing iPhone profit if it is confident it can also sell a case or a screen cover at a 40 percent markup. The giant retailer has a long history of selling hot products below cost to get shoppers in the door. Back in the day, it was discounted CDs and DVDs - now, maybe it's underpriced handsets. And as the No. 1 cell-phone seller in the United States, Walmart probably doesn't have much reason to worry about Apple cutting off its supply.

Neither company is saying much about how discussions played out. Apple is referring inquiries to its press release. A Walmart spokeswoman, Sarah McKinney, said she was unfamiliar with Apple's incentives to retailers to keep prices high. Walmart's lower iPhone price tags, she said, are strictly a Walmart decision.

"Honestly, it's just our business model," added McKinney. "We leverage our expenses so we can invest in price." That seems to suggest Walmart simply ignored Apple's pricing preferences. Still, McKinney insisted Walmart will make a profit on each iPhone, even at the lower prices.

Kyle Stock is a Bloomberg Businessweek reporter. E-mail:

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