Nine Business And Strategy Lessons From Apple And The iPhone 5c and 5s - Forbes

CUPERTINO, CA - OCTOBER 04: Apple CEO Tim Coo...

Apple CEO Tim Cook (Image credit: Getty Images via @daylife)

As always, Apple’s launch of the iPhone 5s and iPhone 5c were must watch events, not just to see the latest smartphones from Cupertino, but to take a look at Apple, their strategy, and their thinking behind the technology they create and sell. What can we take away from Apple’s event on September 10th?

1. Take Charge Of Your Destiny

Apple defines the market, it’s as simple as that.

By sweating the small details, by thinking about the experiences and how to achieve them (as well see over the next eight points), by being so cheery and forceful, a single voice can change an entire ecosystem. And that makes the ecosystem fit to Apple’s world view.

Speak with conviction and belief, backed up by accuracy, and the world changes to your view. Otherwise you end up trying to define yourself against someone else’s standards, which weakens you while strengthening their position.

Be proud to be yourself.

2. Choose Your Strategy And Go All In

Microsoft is focused on market share. Samsung is focused on market share. BlackBerry is focussed on market share (and trying to survive). Read any coverage of the smartphone ‘wars’ and the key metric is market share. Apple is measuring itself in another way… margins.

Yes, they could release a bargain basement handset, and thanks to the efficient code in the OS and a solid grip on the supply chain, they’d likely sell millions of handsets, and make about $5 per unit. And it would sate the demands in the press. But it wouldn’t match with the idea of Apple being a luxury brand, and it would mean shifting even more boxes every year to make the same gross income. There’s more to value for money than a low price.

Know your income strategy, and stick with it.

3. If It Looks New, It Is New.

The clinical analyst will note that apart from some very slight improvements to the camera and the battery capacity, the iPhone 5c is just an iPhone 5 with a plastic case.

I’m sure that people who sell the iPhone took one look at the 5c and decided that it was going to sell like hot cakes. it’s the first new iPhone in the US to be labelled as a $99 handset – previously that price point signified last year’s model. That’s no longer the case, and throw in the multiple colours for the fashion market, and the iPhone 5c is the cheapest new iPhone on the market.

The appearance of new means something is new, no matter what came before..

4. Don’t Be A Makeweight, Make A Difference

If you can’t change the market, don’t bother being there. Simply making up the numbers is not a good enough reason for Apple to be in the market. The MacPro 2010 could have been updated countless times to bump the spec numbers up, but only when it was able to make a difference was the new cylindrical hardware announced with a huge amount of flair.

Always aim high and aim to change the world with any endeavour you undertake, especially in the hardware market.

Apple chief executive Tim Cook praises the new...

Tim Cook praises the new iPhone 5S (Image credit: AFP/Getty Images via @daylife)

5. Tease The Latest Technology

There is a lot of hardware that Apple could potentially explore, both on the smartphone platform, and on the wrist. Let’s take the smartwatch, which everyone has been predicting to come out of Apple for some time.

If Apple’s smartwatch had been released last month in August 2013, I would have found it hard to see how it would improve on the offerings from Sony and Samsung. Physical issues such as battery capacity, screen size, and user interface would have a similar solutions. But ask me to predict Apple’s smartwatch after the presentation this week, and I can see where they are going.

Tim Cook must love Checkov’s Gun. If you’re going to use something in Q3 2014, then announce it in Q23 2013 and use it in a very small way in the hardware as a huge public beta test. I’m expecting the M7 chip to power any Apple smartwatch, and I’m expecting developers to have very limited access to the fingerprint sensor at next year’s WWDC.

Always build with spare capacity and potential, test in the real world, and then open up the access and capability.

6. Delegate, Delegate, Delegate.

Even when the media perception was ‘Apple is Steve Jobs’, the presentations and announcements were shared out around the executive team. When the time came for Tim Cook to take over, there was continuity on stage to match the continuity and shared knowledge of Apple’s direction.

If you’ve chosen a strong team to help run your company, operating division, or even a single team, they’ll be strong in every respect. Share the good and the bad with them, share the limelight, share the rewards. Let them become the stars.

Trust your team and let them reward you.

7. Listen To All The Voices, Not Just The Loudest.

Everyone seems to be demanding Apple do just one more thing. Invariably Apple doesn’t deliver what the world’s market and media expect them to. The iPhone 5 is a case in point. Perceived by many commentators to be little more than an iterative device that did little to advance Apple against the high-specced assault from Samsung, the iPhone 5 went on to become the fastest selling iPhone. Ever.

There was clearly an audience for the iPhone 5, they just didn’t have popular blogs or newspaper columns to tell the world.

Listen to everyone, never ignore the silent majority.

8. Promote Real World Issues, Not Numbers

Having the latest processor with a bigger number is no longer enough to sell a smartphone.

Arguably Apple did mention the increased performance of the A7 chip, but it was immediately followed by the reason why this was important – it allowed Infinity Blade 3 to run on the latest handset. Nokia’s 41 megapixel camera in the Lumia 1020 isn’t about a big picture, it’s about reframing and zooming a picture after it is taken. Problem solving, rather than promotion.

The specification wars are over, and while there may be some sniping at the top level over 64 bit CPU’s and 8 core processors, the majority of smartphones out there are now at the ‘good enough’ levels. Putting aside blanket advertising to simply push a company name, new and innovative ways to market smartphones need to be found.

Marketing has to move on from the bigger/better approach we’ve seen up until now.

9. There Is Nobody More Important Than The Customer

And for Apple, that means the end user, rather than the networks. While other handsets and operating systems seem to make huge compromises to get their handsets listed with the providers (pre-installed apps that cannot be removed, reduced functionality, and branding on the hardware), Apple are known for their laser like focus on the customer experience, and when you couple all of the details and touches they provide and mix it with the respect and trust of the customer, you have a winning combination.

Listen to your customer’s needs and issues, overcome them, and present them a solution. It’s a basic lesson, and one that many companies will follow, but sweating the small details, as Apple does, and the rewards will become tangible.

Amaze your customers at every single opportunity.

via apple - Google News


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