It's Cheaper To Send Apple's iPhones By Air Than By Sea - Forbes

A week back Businessweek had a piece on the largest container ship yet built and a very good piece it was too. Except for this one little example they used:

Practically speaking, a Triple-E, in one trip, could take more than 182 million iPads or 111 million pairs of shoes from Shanghai to Rotterdam. Such a trip would take 25 days and burn 530,000 gallons of fuel. That comes to 0.003 gallons per iPad.

That jarred a little with me as I’m absolutely certain that iPads and iPhones are not shipped around the world by boats. I even dimly recall that back when iPods were a pretty new thing that Apple was Cathay Pacific’s largest freight customer getting the gizmos out of China and into the hands of eager consumers.

I see today that I’m actually correct:

FedEx ships Apple handsets to the U.S. mainly using Boeing 777s, according to Satish Jindel, a logistics-industry consultant and president of SJ Consulting Group. Those planes can make the 15-hour flight from China to the main U.S. hub for freight shipments in Memphis, Tennessee, without refueling, Jindel said. The 777s can carry about 450,000 iPhones and cost about $242,000 to charter, with fuel accounting for more than half the expense.

Amusingly that’s at Bloomberg which owns Businessweek.

However, the interesting question is, well, why does Apple ship by air rather than by sea? They’re not known as a company that wastes money on anything not entirely essential after all. The answer to that lies in the time value of money.

Take that 0.003 gallons of fuel per iPad number. And we’ll make a few simplifying assumptions. The fuel is gasoline (it isn’t, it’s bunker fuel, much cheaper), an iPad is the same as an iPhone: not quite right but close enough for us. With gas at $4 a gallon, that’s a whole 1.2 cents per iPhone/iPad in transport costs if they move by sea. But Apple’s actually paying around 54 cents each to ship them by air. Why pay 50 times more than you have to for transport?

Which is where that time value of money comes in. There’s three ways that we can look at this and none of them are entirely correct. But all do rely upon the time value of money as an explanation of why Apple doesn’t move the iKit by boat but by air. That reason being that the boat takes 30 days while the plane takes 15 hours.

Of our three ways of looking at this the first is the simple cost to Apple of having to finance that 30 days on the boat. Yes, they’ll almost certainly be getting credit from their suppliers but they’ll also be offering it to the companies that buy from them. So the time difference between one day and 30 days of transport has to be financed. Apple has vast cash reserves, as we know, and is making something like 3% on them at the moment. So, in order to finance the shipments they must give up making that 3% a year on their cash. Or, if we prefer, 0.25 % per month, a month being that 30 day period that has to be financed. An iPhone costs $600 or so so the financing cost of shipment by boat is $1.50. We can also say that Apple’s profit margins are 40% or so, call that 50% to make our math easier and this knocks it down to 75 cents.

We could also look at the cost of capital for Apple. That’s more like 9%: that’s not a number specific to Apple at all, it’s just a reasonable guess at the cost of capital to a large corporation. As we can see this is three times that lost interest cost and so the time value in that seabourne shipment is $2.25 to $4.50.

Our third way of looking at it would be that electronic equipment does decline in value. One estimate of this is 50% per year, or 1% per week. That’s taken from information about Dell and the components they buy in, so it’s really rather different from what Apple faces. But Apple phones do fall in price over time so they will face something like this. And 1% a week on a four week trip is 4%, or $24 on a $600 piece of iKit, or taking the profit margin off, $12.

Now all of these numbers are very much estimates: I wouldn’t want anyone to gain the impression that they’re accurate in any manner. They’re to explain the logic no more: and that logic is that one can see now that the time value of the money, the costs of the trip taking 30 days instead of one, are higher than the additional costs of air transport over sea.

Sure, it costs, directly, perhaps 1, 1.5 cents per iPhone to send them by sea and 54 cents to ship them by air. But even by our lowest method of estimation the loss of the 30 day time period to send by sea is 75 cents. The loss of that value due to time is greater than the additional costs of air travel.

Which is why, contrary to what we might originally think, iPhones are sent by air: because it’s cheaper.

via apple - Google News


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