A Tale Of Two Bond Deals: Apple, Verizon Show The Voracious Appetite For Yield - Forbes

In 2011 Verizon and Apple partnered on the iPhone. Two years later they both issued record-breaking bond deals.

Two companies have come to market with record-breaking corporate bond deals this year and their reasons for doing so are vastly different. But there is a common thread between this week’s $49 billion, eight-tranche offering from Verizon Communications and May’s $17 billion six-tranche deal from Apple: a continuing hunger for incremental yield in a world of low interest rates.

The environment is different now than when Apple conducted its then-record offering May 18. Tapering of the Federal Reserve’s asset purchases is not only on the table, but likely, and the 10-year Treasury yield is near 3% rather than below 2%. (Worth noting: Apple and Verizon broke records for investment-grade issuers, but so did Sprint Nextel‘s recent $6.5 billion offering on the high-yield, or junk, side of things).

Liane Rosenberg would have loved to buy some Verizon bonds this week when the telecommunications giant brought its record offering to market, targeting the 30-year paper that made up the largest chunk of the offering. That effort went for naught.

“We got shut out,” says the Value Line Funds portfolio manager, as demand far outstripped supply even with the massive size of the BBB-rated deal.

The telecom giant did have to offer some concessions though, including wider spreads to Treasury yields than recent offerings in the sector and of comparable credit quality. For the two biggest portions of the deal, Verizon 10-year bonds carry a 5.15% coupon and the 30-year bond has a 6.55% coupon, spreads of 225 basis points and 265 basis points versus comparable Treasuries at launch. (All the details on the offering can be found in the updated SEC filing.)

That did not come as a major surprise, given the current environment where talk about fixed income has taken on a warier tone and returns in supposedly safer corners of the space – U.S. Treasury debt and investment-grade credit – are in a rough patch.

The prime cause is the Fed, which is expected to begin tapering its monthly asset purchases as soon as Sept. 18. Just the conversation around the start of an exit from the extraordinary stimulus measures that have been taken since the financial crisis has been enough to drive the 10-year Treasury yield to nearly 3%, from well under 2% four months ago.

Rosenberg expects the Verizon bonds, unlike those sold by Apple, to remain active in the after-market. The 30-year bond, the biggest part of Verizon’s deal at $15 billion, issued at 99.883 cents on the dollar, had a TRACE print at $1.07, she said, and the bonds quickly netted a $2.5 billion windfall for those that were able to buy the deal, Bloomberg reported.

That stemmed from Verizon pricing the deal attractively in order to sell so much debt and the fact that the company will likely be back for more financing before too long.

“There’s a lot of paper and they had to entice you to take on more,” Rosenberg says. “The big lesson is that there is a ton of appetite for yield.” For those uncertain about where rates are going, adding more yield to a portfolio can be a first line of defense against the risk of higher rates.

Rosenberg is executing a barbell strategy when it comes to duration, keeping her overall exposure relatively short, but picking up yield opportunistically by moving out the curve, as she tried to do with the Verizon 30-year.

RBS credit strategist Ed Marrinan says the recent backup in rates has been “painful for bond investors who expected capital protection” and have taken losses on their investment-grade portfolios in three of the last four month due to rising rates and not credit deterioration.

Marrinan did not expect those concerns to dull the interest in Verizon’s offering, though he anticipated the concessions on spread that would encourage buyers to sop up the billions issued.

Verizon’s offering surpasses the $17 billion Apple raised in April as the largest single-shot corproate bond offering on record. The $49 billion, across eight tranches, are at manageable interest rates, but not nearly as friendly as the highly-rated iPhone-maker’s deal.

“Apple’s timing was about as good as it gets,” says Marrinan. After all, the iPhone-maker sold $17 billion in bonds just days before Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke first confirmed that the central bank was likely to slow down its asset purchases this fall.

The Apple deal came at record-low spreads for an issuer of its caliber (AA+) and near cyclical lows on the 10-year Treasury below 2%. Verizon, by contrast, will have to offer slightly more spread and is issuing against a 3% 10-year.

“Verizon’s timing is not as good as Apple, but it’s still an attractive financing environment,” says Marrinan. Moreover, the Verizon offering is driven by a strategic imperative – its $130 billion acquisition of the 45% stake in Verizon Wireless held by Vodafone. The general consensus is that the recent backup in interest rates helped drive the timing of the long-awaited deal.

Tom Farina, head of corporate fixed income for Deutsche Bank’s wealth management arm, says that from a corporate finance perspective, the overall level of rates is “very fair,” but for companies looking to issue debt rising rates will make things more expensive from an interest expense standpoint.

Verizon is certainly striking while the iron is hot, but as Forbes‘ Nathan Vardi suggests, it may also mark a turning point. After all, Verizon will be issuing in a higher rate environment than Apple did back in May and in against a landscape where many investors have been taking painful losses on their credit portfolios.

“Underlying total return in investment-grade credit has been damaged,” says Marrinan. Investors, he says, are shortening their duration to protect against rising rates and trying to add exposure to higher rates, which can be done by buying new deals like that from Verizon.

“Even if we don’t back up from here, there is very little prospect that Treasury yields will revisit a one-handle or a low two-handle,” Marrinan says, suggesting that the best risk-reward may come from the higher coupons on high-yield credit. An improving economy, albeit one that is improving only slowly, means that default rates are unlikely to spike, making the ability to pick up extra yield by giving up some credit quality attractive. Investors are surely noticing.

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