Apple Watch Featured on Cover of Canadian Fashion Magazine 'Flare' - Mac Rumors

Apple Watch continues to be marketed around the world leading up to its highly-anticipated launch in April, this time making its Canadian debut in the upcoming May issue of fashion magazine Flare. The publication features actress Hailee Steinfeld wearing an Apple Watch Sport on two separate covers in both silver and space gray, accompanied by an article listing things you can do with your Apple Watch.

Flare Magazine Apple Watch

In addition to the fashion shoot, the magazine outlines more than a dozen ways the Apple Watch can be used beyond timekeeping, such as for ordering a coffee, boarding a flight, learning a new language, hailing a cab, managing finances, tracking health and fitness, identifying songs, controlling a vehicle, becoming a karaoke star, controlling an Apple TV, unlocking a hotel room and more.

Apple Watch has been featured in several fashion and fitness magazines worldwide in recent months, including Self , Vogue , Style , East Touch , YOHO , Fitness Magazine and Elle . Apple has heavily promoted its first wearable device in the fashion industry leading up to its launch, and has set up boutique shops at Galeries Lafayette in Paris, Isetan in Tokyo and Selfridges in London for the product.

Canada is one of nine countries where the Apple Watch is set to launch later this month, alongside the United States, Australia, China, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Japan and United Kingdom. The wrist-worn device will be available for pre-order and try-on appointments beginning April 10 ahead of an April 24 release date. Wider international availability is likely to occur in the near future.

Related roundup: Apple Watch , Tag: Flare Magazine

A picture of a brainless model staring at the camera makes me want to go out and get an Apple watch.

What is brainless is your comment. Try using your own before you post instead of disparaging people you've never met. Truly your comment says more about you than the person you are attacking.

A picture of a brainless model staring at the camera makes me want to go out and get an Apple watch.

You personally know the model to make such a statement? Or you think all models are brainless? Or you think pretty women are brainless?

Anyone else starting to feel like these stories are nothing more than advertising?

A picture of a brainless model staring at the camera makes me want to go out and get an Apple watch.

Who's the brainless one? She is an actress who, at the age of about 14, played the lead female role in the True Grit remake. If you haven't seen it, you should. She was quite amazing in it.

A picture of a brainless model staring at the camera makes me want to go out and get an Apple watch.

Is that really necessary? I mean, making a page one news post for every time the Apple Watch pops up somewhere? It was special for the first time, but I suspect we're going to see a lot more of those this month.

A picture of a brainless model staring at the camera makes me want to go out and get an Apple watch.

How do you know she's brainless?

A picture of a brainless model staring at the camera makes me want to go out and get an Apple watch.

I have a feeling you are not Flare magazine's target audience.

A picture of a brainless model staring at the camera makes me want to go out and get an Apple watch.

Wow, brainless??? She could very well have a much higher education that you and many others here for all you know. It's amazing how people here will make insulting comments about another human they don't even know.


Anyone else starting to feel like these stories are nothing more than advertising?

Well yeah! Just about everything that gets posted in the front page news is nothing but an advertisement, be it for an iOS game or a Microsoft or Samsung product.

It's amazing how people here will make insulting comments about another human they don't even know.


That's called jealousy which is everywhere. (and I do mean everywhere.)

via apple - Google News


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