Well Fed Buff: Half a Lovely Apple ... With Bacon - Joystiq

As Ella in Valley of the Four Winds might say, "How are you today, WoW Insider readers?"

Those Azerothian apples may be lovely indeed -- but everything's better with bacon. Ella's right about the satisfactions of sharing an apple, but you may find you don't especially want to share this version. We're going to show you how to skill up your apple-baking technique with one of the shortest, simplest, most delectable recipes we've ever run on Well Fed Buff.

Half a Lovely Apple ... With Bacon


1 or 2 apples, sliced into wedges



I've used quite a few different varieties of apple for this recipe; it's hard to find one that doesn't taste good. Organic is a smart choice, since apples tend to be one of the most pesticide-laden fruits. The easiest way to get nice, even wedges is to use one of those handy-dandy apple slicers. Rinse it off immediately after use for easy-peasy clean-up.

Well Fed Buff Half a Lovely Apple With BaconPreparation

  1. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit.

  2. Line a baking sheet with foil; no cooking spray is necessary.

  3. Coil one piece of bacon around each apple wedge and place it on the baking sheet.

  4. Sprinkle each wrapped wedge lightly with cinnamon (not cinnamon sugar, just plain cinnamon).

  5. Bake at 400 degrees Fahrenheit for 20 minutes or until the apples are soft throughout when pierced with a fork.

A word for those of you who might be uncertain about trying the cinnamon: Keep in mind that not only is cinnamon frequently used in sweet baked goods but also in savory dishes like Indian food, so it will complement both the bacon and the apple. Use a light hand and give it a shot -- I don't think it will be a deal breaker for you, even if it doesn't prove to be your favorite.

My favorite time to enjoy Half a Lovely Apple ... With Bacon is with (or as) breakfast. It also makes a perfect dessert if we've scrounged up salads for dinner and find ourselves still a bit unsatisfied. Pump things up to main serving status by tucking a chicken tender inside the bacon alongside the apple, as did the cook who made the batch shown in the header image. Be sure to adjust your cooking time to ensure that the chicken is fully cooked throughout.

Bon appétit!

via apple - Google News http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNHfnCQBr_JjtJOSOONyXyLA_dHGlw&url=http://wow.joystiq.com/2013/10/04/well-fed-buff-half-a-lovely-apple-with-bacon/


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