Apple Retail Stores Pushing Sales of Current Apple TV with $25 iTunes Gift ... - Mac Rumors

apple_tv_buy_99With rumors of a new Apple TV set-top box swirling, Apple's brick and mortar stores have launched a one-week promotion offering customers who purchase the current model a $25 iTunes Store gift card, reports 9to5Mac .

The promotion naturally sparks speculation that Apple is trying to clear stock of the current model ahead of new hardware. A recent report from Bloomberg claimed, however, that while Apple was aiming for an April introduction of the new Apple TV, a launch would not come until much later in the year around the holiday shopping season.

The Apple TV recently received added prominence in the Apple online store with its own major heading as opposed to its previous placement as an accessory, suggesting that Apple may be laying the groundwork to move the Apple TV from its longtime "hobby" status to a full-fledged product on par with its other lines.

Apple has reportedly considered a new set-top box that would combine the features of the current Apple TV with the Wi-Fi router features of the existing AirPort Express. The new Apple TV could also leverage iOS devices and Bluetooth accessories as game controllers for a potential Apple TV App Store, while also adding an Apple software layer on top of users' existing cable television services. Apple has also reportedly been in talks with Time Warner Cable about a potential content deal.

The new gift card offer on the existing Apple TV runs through March 5 and is currently not offered on the Apple online store. As with all iTunes gift cards, the credit can be used in any of Apple's digital content stores, including the iTunes Store, App Store, Mac App Store, and iBooks Store.

Update 8:20 AM: Apple has now posted the Terms and Conditions [PDF] for the offer, indicating that it is valid both in-store and online, but only in the United States.

Related roundup: Apple TV

I am finally guying to buy an Apple TV as soon as they add this feature, which I want more than anything else:

I push AirPlay on my iOS device, and in

I am finally guying to buy an Apple TV as soon as they add this feature, which I want more than anything else:

I push AirPlay on my iOS device, and in

Umm, mine is already instant? Even with the Apple TV already off, it takes five seconds tops.

Maybe your network is the problem?

Agreed. That sounds like 'his' network. If the ATV is on it is instant, and even from an off state it is ~5 seconds.

I love new hardware! Come onnnn update! :D

I am finally guying to buy an Apple TV as soon as they add this feature, which I want more than anything else:

I push AirPlay on my iOS device, and in

I knew this would happen! I just bought one from Best Buy two days ago!

Very interesting. My only concern with a new revamped Apple TV is a price hike. If it adds an App Store and some other features I can see Apple jacking up the price. Right now the ATV is great because it's only $99.

Yeah apple really knows how to make a bargain when they want to get rid of a product.

Yes, hopefully I can get a new Apple TV in March :D

And who knows what else may accompany the refresh. Maybe the Macbooks will update. :)

via apple - Google News


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