Mac at 30 timeline: Apple's every major product -

Apple is the company that has changed the world of computing and entertainment. That’s through a unique kind of PC, through the iPod, then the iPhone and most recently the iPad. This is not to mention the implausibly slim, trend-setting Macbook Air laptop.

Driven initially by Steve Jobs and now by Tim Cook, Apple possesses a unique ability to combine design and computing expertise. The advert that launched the original Mac - directed by Ridley Scott - emphasised that these were the computers that would set people free from the drudgery of everyday life. It was a bold claim then but now Apple’s products, alongside those that they have spawned from other companies, can make serious claims to have revolutionised the lives of billions.

It’s not as explicitly profound as the work that Bill Gates is now taking on at his Gates Foundation, curing polio and tackling malaria. But there’s an argument to be had over whether the global impact that personal computers have made can be counted in the same league: every scientific researcher, every doctor, every employee in the country benefits in some form from the fact that serious computing power is now widespread and quite cheap. For all its high profit margins and emphasis on design, Apple played a key role in the democratisation of technology by combining utility with ease of use. The first Mac went on sale 30 years ago today. If that tells us one thing, it should be that this is a revolution which is still very young - and that the iPhone and iPad will be around for a long time yet.

via apple - Google News


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