Why I'm Long Long Apple: Fichthorn - Bloomberg

Loop." i am carol massar.

Apple, big earnings.

One of the biggest market cap companies in the u.s.. this is an important and interesting quarter for them because of the china business.

This is a full 13 weeks they have had, seven hundred 50 million customers, just a big opportunity for the entire world of technology.

And in interesting one for apple.

We were talking earlier about all of these crummy chinese companies in the u.s.. maybe folks didn't even get a chance, we will see if they will stick to their guns.

I wonder, look at the size of the chinese market, you can understand why the non-seasoned investor looks at something like capital china mobile and thinks -- china is huge, china is an emerging economy.

Do you do anything on the long side?

We certainly play to diversity and apple in china.

But apple has been selling their for a long time.

Now that we have the china mobile offering, i am not sure it is necessarily the step up function that people think it is.

We think that apple is an attractive play, but i am on the board of it company called immersion.

China is their big growth opportunity.

I look at things like the xbox.

Are you long on apple?

I am.

What i do not understand about apple, and corey, you have a great view into this.

If we think this is truly an innovative company, why are we relying on growth in china for an existing product as the only growth area?

Is there a mental shift going on where it is no longer an innovative company?

It is undeniable that there has been a recent lack of innovation.

The biggest thing this year is their five and a half inch screen phone, which enjoyed has had for a number of years.

Is that a tablet?

You are looking at a pc market that is shrinking.

Ipods are not a growth opportunity anymore.

Smartphones, growth of gold over with bigger screen sizes and china.

It is a relatively cheap company.

Almost 200 billion dollars.

Corey, you and i talk about this all the time, we nitpick so much with this company, they do huge business and make a lot of money.

This is one opportunity where i think they will do a couple million units alone.

That should be about 4.5 ilya and dollars in profits for this company.

Is it not that innovative?

It is $4.5 billion out of one client.

I just think that when we think about technology -- my big question the technology, in general, and i want to get your view on this -- the fact that technology can change so quickly, does that mean it does not deserve the growth pe?

One of the fundamental tenants of growth comes out of the 1930s and before, growth from when technology might have been an 18 month process.

That is a great point of a lot of technology product companies.

You might be able to draw the line between samsung and apple.

They are kind of stuck in the hardware business.

It will be a real challenge for them if they lose their share with their current galaxy product.

And we are seeing that, already?

We were wedded to apple.

You bought the apps, got the movies.

I am so frustrated with itunes right now.

You cannot get out of it.

What about the fact that you have to constantly update your operating system?

Why does apple have to do that?

Does that cause you doubt as an investor?

I cannot do things at home until i update my systems and then by the time i update my operating system, i do not have the time to do the thing i set out to do.

They are kind of following the path of the evil empire.

There is this forced obsolescence.

I purchased the ipad one for my kid, you cannot update the operating system to a high enough level to run it.

You basically throw that one out, you have to go buy a new one.

It is a forced cost -- forced obsolescence that drives the top line.

It is the corporate objective.

A bigger phone, an opportunity with china mobile.

I see investors looking at other areas where they think there will be a future.

One person has a loop, the next person has a hyperloop.

Printing, then 3-d printing.

Software, then software service.

As a shortfall, is that where you see opportunity?

Apple is a placeholder in our portfolio.

For me the real opportunity today is the year 2000 bubble in march of 2000. trading as a service at 30 times revenues, not earnings -- my worst day?

They opened a software supply chain company.

It was a bubble in 2000 that went away.

Incredibly complex market

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via apple - Google News http://ift.tt/1b0Ynpb


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