Carl Icahn Makes Huge $3 Billion Bet On Apple - Forbes

Carl Icahn has made a huge bet on Apple, tweeting on Wednesday that his investment in Apple had grown to $3 billion. “Having purchased $500 million more $AAPL shares in the last two weeks, our investment has crossed the $3 billion mark yesterday,” Icahn tweeted. “Since tweeting about our large position in $AAPL on Aug 13, when the stock was 468 per share, we’ve kept buying shares of this ‘no brainer.’”

Icahn is not one of the largest shareholders of Apple—he doesn’t even appear to be in the top 10—potentially limiting his influence over the company. But his investment is still huge—for him. The Apple position is a big and important one for Icahn. It’s by far his biggest single trade. His second biggest trading investment is Forest Laboratories, which is worth slightly more than $2 billion.


With Apple, Icahn is testing the power of his activist investing model by agitating for change at a massive company with less than a 1% ownership stake. Some have suggested his maneuvers are doomed to fail at a company that is so big, particularly a tech company that is averse to financial engineering. Activist investors have generally had trouble winning battles with boards of large companies.

By contrast, for example, at Forest Laboratories, Icahn owns more than 11% of the stock. His third biggest position is Chesapeake Energy, in which he owns 10%, and he has a 16.8% stake in Herbalife. He controls board seats at Forest Labs, Chesapeake and Herbalife.

Icahn has been demanding Apple use some of its cash hoard to repurchase shares and boost the stock price. He has been relatively polite about this effort and met with Apple CEO Tim Cook, but so far Icahn’s buyback campaign has been frustrated. Icahn is urging shareholders to vote in favor of a non-binding resolution that Apple return $50 billion to shareholders that the company’s board opposes. “We feel $APPL board is doing great disservice to shareholders by not having markedly increased its buyback,” Icahn tweeted on Wednesday.

Shares of Apple increased by 1.48% in Wednesday morning trading to $556.89 per share. Icahn’s investment fund returned 31% last year, finishing a pretty impressive five-year run. Icahn’s investment performance in 2014 will to a large degree be determined by Apple.

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