Apple's Mac Pro Shipping Estimates Move to March in Many Countries - Mac Rumors

Shipping estimates for new orders of stock configurations of the redesigned Mac Pro have now moved to March in many of Apple's online stores around the world.


The change in shipping estimates does not necessarily reflect a worsening supply situation given that estimates have been listed at "February" essentially since launch last month, but they do indicate that Apple is not making up significant ground as lead times appear to be remaining in the six-week range.

The new March shipping estimates are in effect for stock and build-to-order configurations throughout Apple's online stores for Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) and Asia Pacific (APAC) operational regions. Estimates in Apple's stores for the Americas remain at February for the time being.

Looks like americans can't assemble as fast as the chinese perhaps (not that surprising)

Apple really dropped the ball on this launch.

I guess this shows them how much more popular the Mac Pro is then they had thought, and how many pro users were chomping at the bit to finally get there hands on a new updated Mac Pro.

Maybe now apple will see that the iPhone isn't the only product that people have demand for and start showing more love to the pro market.

Just ordered mine 2 days ago. I imagine "Dispatched February" means February 29th!

Except that Feb 29th doesn't exist :D

How is this even news? there is clearly a rolling 4/6week order time on these since they were first available

Not making enough….or underestimated demand.

Or the suppliers can't make the components fast enough.

Intel really dropped the ball on this launch.

I guess this shows them how much more popular the Mac Pro is then they had thought, and how many pro users were chomping at the bit to finally get there hands on a new updated Mac Pro.

Maybe now apple will see that the iPhone isn't the only product that people have demand for and start showing more love to the pro market.

Except that Feb 29th 2014 doesn't exist :D

Bold: Fixed that for the both of you.:p

It seems the pros are coming back to Apple.

Just ordered mine 2 days ago. I imagine "Dispatched February" means February 29th!

The majority of walk in customers at Apple retail stores are people needing help with or accessories for an iPhone. Then you've got a lot of people shopping for notebook computers and iPads.

That leaves only a relatively small minority who come in interested in any desktop form-factor machine -- and a big part of this crowd is going to be looking at the iMac.

The Mac Pro was NEVER really looked at very often in the stores, as evidenced by the small amount of shelf space dedicated to it.

I think what we're seeing here, really, is Apple not producing very large numbers of the new Mac Pros to begin with. They're building them in the USA, for starters. Labor is more expensive, and doubly so if they have to pay workers overtime pay or pay differentials for working later shifts. So I wouldn't be surprised if the factory shuts down by 5PM each day. Additionally, you're dealing with pent up demand right now, which will fade away as soon as all the existing pre-orders get filled. I don't know that Apple is interested in tooling up the factory to produce huge numbers of these systems just to meet initial demand more quickly, only to have excess, unused capacity sitting there after that?

Judging soley by what I've seen at the Apple store a few times since it went on display, lot's of people don't want one. I was the only one who checked it out the few times I was there.

Looks like americans can't assemble as fast as the chinese perhaps (not that surprising)

Yes, because there are always enough iPhones at launch....

via apple - Google News


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