Apple's iBeacon And The Future Of Mobile Shopping - Forbes

Mobile, mobile, mobile. It’s like the Marcia Brady of the retail industry. Everyone is talking about it and wants to cozy up next to its success, often at the expense of some of the more practical blocking and tackling that needs to be done in order to really capitalize on rising mobile use.

Practical things like making it possible to actually use our mobile phones inside stores.

In this analogy, in-store connectivity is the Jan Brady to mobile’s much sexier Marcia.

As shoppers, we’ve all been there. Pull into the parking garage of a store or wander a few feet from the entrance and…there goes the cellular signal. A determined enough shopper might search for a wifi network, but those are rare in stores, even in those with an attached Starbucks where free wifi is otherwise expected.

But what about all that data showing spikes in mobile use? Shoppers are engaging via mobile devices in large numbers, but not necessarily while inside the store.

“The tech industry specifically, Amazon and Google would love us all to think that shoppers are using phones in stores in big numbers,” says Donald Chesnut, chief experience officer, SapientNitro. “But if you teased back the data, how many people are actively using a smartphone in a store, on a regular basis?”

Chesnut studied 500 different connected shoppers, volunteers all, to find out how many are using smartphones in stores and what are they doing with it. Showrooming and price matching is happening at much lower levels than many think. “We’re seeing a whole host of other services to get you to use your phone,” says Chesnut. “There’s the customer behavior and then there’s the retailers alignment.”

Mobile apps like Target's Cartwheel don’t only offer deals, but get shoppers to engage with the store in ways that build brand loyalty. Coupons and deals are also what the industry calls “sticky,” in that these types of apps get adopted and used more frequently than others.

That’s what makes low-frequency bluetooth (BLE) technology so intriguing and with the news that Apple's iBeacon has been deployed in its first retail environments. It’s not as flashy as a new iPhone or iPad, but iBeacon has the intentional to revolutionize the in-store experience.

Developed by InMarket, the micro-location technology uses a low-energy Bluetooth signal to enable mobile app experiences with higher accuracy than GPS. Transmitters are placed throughout the store and shoppers who have downloaded the app are detected when they enter. Shoppers who opt-in can be reminded of items a spouse just placed on their shared list, earn loyalty rewards, or be directed to a custom special offer.

iBeacon mobile shopping went live in early January 2014, in more than 150 U.S.Giant Eagle and Safeway supermarkets. Expect additional retailers and markets to launch soon, even as third party providers develop products on the iBeacon platform.

Products like Shelfbucks, which started developing BLE products two years ago in conjunction with Apple’s iPhone 4s. Shelf tags can be added throughout the store and are meant to be highly visible to shoppers who can tap or beam product information, compare prices and access promotions easily with their mobile devices.

Best of all, it happens on a proprietary network, no wifi or wireless signal needed to solve that in-store connectivity issue, bringing mobile into stores and creating a useful application for the shopper.

It’s this usefulness that is driving mobile use. The mobile apps and features that are being utilized are those that do more than perform specific tasks. Store apps that provide in-store maps to help shoppers navigate stores. “Mobile is the glue that can bring the shopper experience together,” says Chesnut.

Provided of course, shoppers can use their mobile devices in stores.

via apple - Google News


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