Apple celebrates 30 years of Mac with live concert at company HQ - Apple Insider

Capping off a day of festivities celebrating the Mac's 30th anniversary, Apple on Friday held a party at its headquarters in Cupertino, Calif., where employees and guests were treated to a live concert performed by OneRepublic.

At the special event, which happened to coincide with one of Apple's regular "beer bashes," Apple CEO Tim Cook took to the stage with a short speech recognizing the importance of the Mac milestone. Blogger Mindy Hu recorded a video clip of Cook's address and uploaded it to Instagram.

"We don't spend a lot of time looking back," Cook said to the huge gathering. "We spend all of our time looking forward and working on the next big thing. But we're making an exception for today, because 30 years ago today, the Macintosh was born."

Along with Cook, other high-ranking Apple executives like SVP of Worldwide Marketing Phil Schiller, SVP of Internet Software and Service Eddy Cue and VP of Applications Roger Rosner were confirmed to be in attendance.

Cook himself posted three tweets wishing Mac a happy birthday and directing followers to Apple's Mac 30 mini site which launched early Friday morning.

The concert came at the tail end of a slew of interviews and press coverage for what Apple has dubbed "Mac 30." On Thursday, for example, MacWorld sat down with Schiller, SVP of Software Engineering Craig Federighi and VP of Software Technology Bud Tribble to discuss the past, present and future of the Mac platform.

Earlier today, ABC News ran a segment featuring Cook, Federighi and Tribble, though the short piece only briefly mentioned Mac as a lead-in to questions regarding Apple's legendary secrecy and the company's stance on government surveillance.

via apple - Google News


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