Apple Releases Report on Government Requests - New York Times (blog)

Apple on Tuesday released a report showing the number of requests about its customers that it has received from government agencies around the globe.

The report covers the first six months of 2013, ending on June 30, and says that government groups in 43 countries demanded information about roughly 40,000 Apple accounts or devices.

The company did not honor all the inquiries. Apple said it had complied to some extent with 88 percent of the requests it received by American agencies about its customers’ devices. It did not disclose the extent to which it complied with requests from agencies in the United States about Apple accounts.

“We believe that our customers have a right to understand how their personal information is handled, and we consider it our responsibility to provide them with the best privacy protections available,” the company said in a statement.

The most common account requests involved crimes, like robberies, as well as missing person cases, Apple said. Responding to an account request usually involves providing a name and an address.

“Our business does not depend on collecting personal data,” the company said in a statement. “We have no interest in amassing personal information about our customers.”

Apple said that it protected personal conversations by providing end-to-end encryption over iMessage and FaceTime, and that it did not store location data, Maps searches or Siri requests in any identifiable form.

As a result, it said the vast majority of the requests it received were regarding devices.

“These types of requests frequently arise when our customers ask the police to assist them with a lost or stolen iPhone, or when law enforcement has recovered a shipment of stolen devices,” the company said.

The report comes amid continued criticism of the National Security Agency‘s surveillance practices, including the agency’s ability to foil basic encryption and privacy safeguards online.

Google has spent months and millions of dollars encrypting emails its users send. Twitter plans to set up new types of encryption to protect the messages sent across its network. And several major technology companies, including Microsoft and Facebook, have released similar reports on government requests.

But reports like those have remained largely symbolic gestures, especially because the companies often cannot disclose or enumerate the requests they receive from agencies regarding matters of national security.

In addition to the report on government requests, Apple said Tuesday that it had filed an amicus brief at the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court in support of a group of cases requesting greater transparency.

“Despite our extensive efforts in this area, we do not yet have an agreement that we feel adequately addresses our customers’ right to know how often and under what circumstances we provide data to law enforcement agencies,” Apple said.

The company said that later this year it would file a brief in a federal appeals court in support of a case seeking greater transparency with the secret government requests known as national security letters.

via apple - Google News


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