Samsung Could Be Entering A Whole World Of Pain Over The Apple Patentgate ... - Forbes

We’re all used to the news that Apple is suing Samsung, or Samsung is suing Apple, in one or another court or country around the world. It seems that there’s an announcement of yet another action somewhere every other day or two. It’s not quite true that they’re that frequent but it can feel like it.

But we’re rather entering a new world here with the latest revelations in one of the ongoing cases. This isn’t about the patents per se, but about what Samsung and or their lawyers have been doing with some of the information from one of the cases. The point being that they’ve done something very naughty indeed along the way and it’s very possible that they’re about to enter a new world of pain over the issue.

Florian Mueller has been following this in his usually detailed manner And there’s a part of it here:

Licensing executives from Samsung and Nokia held a meeting on June 4, 2013 to discuss a patent license deal between these parties. In that meeting, a Samsung exec, Dr. Seungho Ahn, “informed Nokia that the terms of the Apple-Nokia license were known to him” and according to a declaration from Nokia’s Chief Intellectual Property Officer, Paul Melin, “stated that Apple had produced the Apple-Nokia license in its litigation with Samsung, and that Samsung’s outside counsel had provided his team with the terms of the Apple-Nokia license”. The Melin declaration furthermore says that “to prove to Nokia that he knew the confidential terms of the Apple-Nokia license, Dr. Ahn recited the terms of the license, and even went so far as to tell Nokia that ‘all information leaks.’”

Right now the focus is on the Apple-Nokia license, but Apple also provided other license agreements under the same protective rules, including deals it struck with Ericsson, Sharp, and Philips.

So how did Samsung’s executives get access to contracts that were meant to be used only by its outside counsel (marked as “Highly Confidential — Attorneys’ Eyes Only”) for the purposes of litigation with Apple and absolutely positively not for the pupose of gaining unfair advantages in licensing negotiations with anyone (not with Apple, and much less with third parties like Nokia), when such disclosure would constitute an unbelievably serious violation of court rules?

With a follow up on it here:

The next hearing on this deeply troubling issue has been scheduled for October 22, and the courtroom may be crowded. It’s not about smartphone patent infringement anymore. It’s turned into a smartphone industry scandal. This is Patentgate.

The full court document can be read at that second link or at Scribd here.

To give a very simple description of the issue. As part of the ongoing battle between Samsung and Apple over various patents and designs, the highly secret agreements between Apple and Nokia (and other companies like Ericsson, Sharp and Philips) were provided in evidence to the court. Obviously, if you’re having an argument over what is a fair royalty on a patent then it’s useful to see what other agreements state is a fair royalty on a patent. But this information is only for the lawyers. Specifically, only for the outside Samsung lawyers: something they’ve got to keep very quiet about in their conversations with the company but can use in the preparation of the case.

And then we get senior honchos from Samsung turning up and claiming that they know all the details of these supposedly highly secret agreements. There is obviously something not right about this situation.

The problem that Samsung now has is that the courts look very harshly indeed at these sorts of breaches of the rules. It’s for the same reason that things like perjury or conspiracy to pervert the course of justice are so harshly punished. Often punished more severely than the crimes the lies or conspiring were trying to cover up in fact. No, this isn’t either conspiracy or perjury but it is a breach of those legal rules. And the reason that these things are regarded with such seriousness is that the court and justice system simply will not work if people don’t abide by these rules. If people will lie under oath then no one can take any evidence as being trustworthy. If people will conspire than who can trust the courts? And if secret information is provided, in defiance of the rules, then who will be willing to allow the courts and lawyers to see such secret information?

I agree with Mueller here. This is all going to get a lot more painful for Samsung as the courts dig to the bottom of what actually happened here.

via apple - Google News


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