Apple iPhone 5s Sensors Are Jacked - Forbes

Apple may have a problem on its hands. No, I take that back. Apple definitely has a problem. The only questions are how hard will it be to address, and how much will it cost Apple–in money and reputation?

I saw a report yesterday from VentureBeat claiming that the iPhone 5s sensors are jacked. That article cites a Gizmodo investigation, which includes a number of test scenarios demonstrating how the iPhone 5s is off a few degrees.

I decided to check myself. I opened an app on my iPhone 5s called “A Free Level”, and I found that the iPhone 5s reports my seemingly level desk as being off about 2.6 degrees. I grabbed my son’s iPhone 4s and checked the same desk with the same app–his iPhone showed my desk as level.

I wasn’t aware that the Compass app in iOS has its own level function, but somebody pointed it out to me so I decided to try that out. I thought, perhaps the issue isn’t the iPhone 5s itself, but some error by the third-party app developer. Nope.

I conducted a variety of tests on various level surfaces around my house using my iPhone 5s, my wife’s iPhone 5, my son’s iPhone 4s, and an actual level from the hardware store. The level, iPhone 5, and iPhone 4s were generally in agreement–give or take very minor variation. The iPhone 5s, on the other hand, is consistently 2 to 3 degrees off.

If you lay the iPhone 5s on its back, it also registers how level the surface is. Whether the iPhone 5s is on its back, or on its side, it is consistently 2 to 3 degrees low on the bottom–meaning the end where the home button is. If you lift the end with the home button slightly, the issue is corrected and the device becomes “level”.

The question is, why? Is there a problem with the sensors themselves, or is it just a problem with the way iOS 7 is interpreting or communicating the data from the sensors? Will Apple have to replace millions of iPhone 5s smartphones to correct the problem, or is it something that can be addressed with a software update?

A software update seems much more likely on a number of levels. The fact is, even if the real issue is a flaw in the sensor hardware, the consistency of the problem from device to device seems like it would be easy to fix through software by just altering iOS 7 to account for the 2 to 3 degree variance.

I reached out to Apple through multiple channels, but have not yet heard back with any official explanation or statement, or any estimation of how or when Apple might address the issue.

Related on Forbes:

via apple - Google News


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